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Located in

London, UK

Lorem ipsum

dolor sit



lorem ipsum


Works as

Visual Designer

Works at

R/GA London

Identity, UX and UI Design for Orso Sedici’s 
online presence.

01 What is Orso Sedici

Orso Sedici is an agglomerate of 4 different venues located inside one of the Melanese iconic houses from the 1600. Built within the exclusive neighborhood of Brera, Orso Sedici has been the go-to venue for diffeent Art, Photography, Fashion and Design events such as the annual Salone del Mobile (Milan Design Week).

02 Upcoming eCommerce

As the off-line client corp as been massivly expanding over the past decade, an on-line presence, which would reflect the iconic but yet contemporary personality of the brand, was mandatory.

Orso Sedici Spaces

Through a smooth and oversizerd navigation the user can get a taste of the different venues before getting into details.

Product Detail Page

Through a smooth and oversizerd navigation the user can get a taste of the different venues before getting into details.